Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm a big kid now...

You have to say the title in the Huggies theme song or it doesn't make sense. But I got this and wanted to share it with you.


Mel's Family said...

My ARE important now...and such a big boy too! I am so happy for you and your family. I am glad it is all working out for you now. Can't wait to see you all at Thanksgiving. XOXOXO Melinda

Robb said...

Isn't that the theme song to the pull-up commercial? Are you finally potty-trained?

Lauren Call Green said...

Woo hoo! Yay for Aaron!!

H+B Jackson said...

Oooooo...very impressive! and yes, it is the Pull-ups song. Toys-R-us is "I don't wanna grow up! I'm a toys-r-us kid, there's a million toys and games that I can play with!"

Justin & Krystal said...

You are such a big boy now....LOL. I totally got on your blog thinking that Jonathan did something cute that warrented the "potty-training" song. hahaha. I'm so proud of you Aaron. You're doing fantastic!! I can't wait to see you guys next weekend. Love ya.